Breckinridge Park Clean Up Feb. 13th! Join CodenameGreen!!

Breckinridge Park Clean Up Feb. 13th! Join CodenameGreen!!

Hey guys! I’m doing a big clean up on February 13th from 9:00AM-1:00PM at Breckinridge Park in Richardson, Texas. We will be cleaning up the land as well as the creeks so bring rain boots, waders, or anything you would like that you’re willing to get dirty. I will be providing bins, bags, and gloves and we will be meeting in the South parking lot on Moroney Drive that morning. If you can only come for a short time or need to come talk/request something from me you’re more than welcome to do that as well! I would love anytime that anyone has to give to help local communities protect the environment. Just let me know if you can make it! If you guys ever have requests for anything let me know and don’t forget to check out my other media links down below! Let’s live each and every day by CodeGreen!